World Martial Arts Center - If you are looking for a well-established martial arts school where you can learn martial arts, get in good shape and build your confidence, you have found the right place. We are the oldest Taekwondo school in the United States and have been helping men, women and children in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area achieve success since 1965.

We teach "traditional" martial arts which means we teach Taekwondo, Hapkido and Shaolin Kung Fu alike, proven techniques that have always been taught. There are no shortcuts… work harder and push yourself beyond what you thought was possible.

World Martial Arts Center

World Martial Arts Center

If that's what you're looking for, please stop by and sign up to receive our newsletter and join our team of professional wrestlers.

A Closer Look: Karate Struggles To Gain Olympic Acceptance But They Will Continue To Fight On

Nothing is more important when looking for martial arts lessons than looking for an actual class. We have taught more than 40,000 students in our Minneapolis-area schools and awarded hundreds of hard-earned black belts to those willing to commit to success.

We encourage everyone to sign up for our startup and check out one of our programs before signing up.

You've made it this far, take the next step, join a class and start your journey to becoming a black belt, champion, or even grand old! We are all on the same journey and can help you on your journey.

Please visit our Facebook page to see more photos of our school, students and other martial artists from around the world.

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